Katie Holmes Is Responsible For Bringing Back This Questionable '00s Hat Trend

To be honest, she might be onto something.

Katie Holmes doesn't typically steer us wrong. We've followed her fashion lead fairly consistently, using her outfits as inspiration for nearly every season: summer's Birkenstocks revival, fall's sexy sweaters, etc. She's even given us a heads up on 2021's biggest bag trend. But, when it comes to her hat collection, we are feeling a little hesitant.

Are newsboy caps really making a comeback? According to the actress, indeed they are.

Kicking off the new year, Holmes stepped out on Monday wearing a slightly oversized version of this accessory, pairing it with a sleek black blazer, black turtleneck, wide-leg jeans, and black boots. While we initially thought this '00s trend was questionable, reminding us of the band Fall Out Boy, seeing it styled in this specific way — adding a little something extra to an otherwise simple look — our minds are beginning to change. Perhaps newsboy caps are the new beret and Holmes is just well ahead of the game (as per usual).
